Wednesday, September 08, 2010

(~.~) fashion

waktu sahur tadi, we watch cerita kat tv3. and en ayah telah mengutuk fashion sekarang. he said "yang itu fashion, bukan nye menutup aurat. macam kakak lah.. bertudung but pakai seluar ketat"

geram geram.. it's not me who wants to wear seluar ketat ok. like he didn't know, i'm a will be engineer. we deal with machines and bla bla bla.. have to wear jeans.. and cari lah jean size besar sekali pun, it still looks ketat. and maybe my dad tak ingat and her daughter ni bersaiz besar.. what ever i wear pun still looks macam sarung nangka.

why i wear cardigan? because the shirt i wear inside sama ada lengan pendek ataupun pendek ataupun ketat.. seriously, i am so not comfortable ngan baju ketat.

and my dad bukannye dari jenis yang nak belikan seluar... it always be me...

so lepas ni, i want him to buy for me.. bila seluar besar, harga pun besar juga~ then only he knows... i didn't wear jeans suka2 hati tau... much comfortable with slacks.

haish~ geram nih geram! maybe bila da losing weight, getting a little bit smaller, takde lah pakai seluar ketat2 kan? i think, that one is the solution!

ps:// sorry dad, terkutuk sekejap.. i know you mean well

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