Thursday, October 28, 2010


owh, lately macam nak mengasingkan diri. well actually, dah memang terasing pun.. not people mengasingkan me, but i myself yang mengasingkan diri.. from the first time masuk unimap pun. i thot people never notice, but ada je yang notice rupanya..

antara gelaran yang diberikan ialah lone ranger. owh. memang those yang bintang Cancer suka mengasingkan diri ke ek? i don't think so... my friend pun Cancer gak. but she is damn friendly. sampai bila tgk dia terover friendly tu, kita pulak yang malu.

huhu.. ntah lah, but, i feel like easy alone. tak sakit hati, n tak lah tmbul perkara2 yang menyakitkan hati orang.

and someone said i'm dull. owh, tak notice plak yang tu... but if people said i am a quiet one,maybe bole terima... to certain people je lah... once you get to know me, memang haruk la jadinye..huhuhu

in three weeks time da start final..scary gila... i have to improve my pointer... tak la teruk mana, but kalo down sem ni,memang la teruk.. owh fluid, be nice to me ok???

no idea nak update, but, once i edit a pic, i'll make a credit to someone who able to make me laugh..heheheh..

love regards;

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