Tuesday, May 26, 2009

respond to Nadiah~ bila kenyataan tue menyakitkan..

huh... sometimes, we didn't know what they (our parent) really want. but for sure, they really care for our future. sampai dorang tak tau yang dorang dah pun menyakitkan sikit perasaan kita. but still, when parents do it to us, it does not considered as hurting us. because in our world now, community much care about children hurting their parents, not vice versa.

masalah kita hampir sama, but still, ada jugak yang bezanya. my parent keeps wanting me to be a doctor. actually hoping is the right word.

but with that **** pointer, how would i be? dengan pinjaman mara tak boleh nak buat... sangat sedih as i can't go to private. mana2 nak buat pinjaman pun tak boleh.

but still Nadiah, ko bley pergi private, but aku?? i only can hope for PTPTN. sedih hell..

Paling sedih bila waktu nak apply U, my munm still ask,"doktor dah tak boleh lah?" know what, walaupun dia tanya untuk her knowledge, but still hurt tahap gila nye. sebab sebelum ni aku dah penat cakap, and she has asked a lot of doctor kat hspital, for GIRLS, it needs 4 to be a doctor. penat lah... sedih sedih sedih..

tak pe lah.. sekarang ni, we can only hope for a miracle... sabar lah Nadiah... sabarlah aku juga..


nadiah_Y said...

uwaaaa......n i think la kn...mlm td ak mimpi ak x dpt maktab..... sdey hell.... and 4 ur info... i dun wan to use every single member of my family... kalao diorng nk support pon. dah. enough. no thanks. n....... since ak bngap kn n kne masok private..... ak apply ptptn kot.... tue je choice yg ade....t ak byar la balek... mmg shiot je la kn bile mara dah d bekukan...........

ea..tp kalo ade org nk support macho gak.....wawawawa... tp ak tau diorang akan x..huh~!!

nadiah_Y said...

tertinggalkot.... every single member of my family nyer duet...

Irsya said...

eyh~ asal mara dah beku?