Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All guys are same!!!

for god sake, why don't they choose someone with a good attitude? why should look at how they use to appear. i mean, Beautiful...why is it always on the first line to choose somebody to be loved...

and it was a sad when you use to like a guy, and he shows some good response to you..but at the same time he uses you to get knowing of your friend... GUYS! if you want someone...then talk directly to her. don't use her friend or anyone that she near to. it's hurt the people...even you didn't like her, or the sentence you use to use "i only accept you as my friend", but friend does not their friends understand them...

i'm so sick seeing people crying because of love...supposed, it should be something happy, but Gosh! it's getting worst...

guys out there...please!!! do care of our feeling...

talk this based on my experienced...
once again i lost a guy to a beautiful girl..
is it my mistake?


Alia Lokman said...

haha...not all kate...kalo dah suke..x nmpk org len dah..huhu...the best is yet to come la dear..just wait for rite one to come okay~ =)

Irsya said...

ya...but majority are...unfortunately that guy y i minat tu bukannya perasan i pun..yer~ setialah wahai gadis bernama irsya...dah ada sorg pun tak terjaga...huhuh

Alia Lokman said...

bukanlah...maybe die mmg jenis x aware kot..kalo nk die la approach die..hik..loyalty is priority~ =)

Irsya said... approch him? No..No..No...tak nak..serik sudah...lama2 kte yang terperangkap....tak nak pikir ah..huhuhu...

well sis...thanks for your